Hair Care

Hair Fall and Hair Loss

Hair Fall V/S Hair Loss: What's The Difference?

Have you ever noticed too many hair strands stuck on your pillow or tugged on your comb? Well, it could be due to "hair fall" and "hair loss" being used...

Hair Fall V/S Hair Loss: What's The Difference?

Have you ever noticed too many hair strands stuck on your pillow or tugged on your comb? Well, it could be due to "hair fall" and "hair loss" being used...

 Hydrating Hair Products

Get Static-Free Winter Hair with These Hydratin...

Winter mornings can be magical due to the crisp air, the warmth of a cozy blanket, and the promise of a fresh day ahead. But if you’re like most people,...

Get Static-Free Winter Hair with These Hydratin...

Winter mornings can be magical due to the crisp air, the warmth of a cozy blanket, and the promise of a fresh day ahead. But if you’re like most people,...

 Hair Care Essentials

3 Hair Care Essentials You Must Own Today

Have you recently started experiencing a lot of lows and highs in terms of your haircare products? Despite doing the trial and error, errands of research, and investing in a...

3 Hair Care Essentials You Must Own Today

Have you recently started experiencing a lot of lows and highs in terms of your haircare products? Despite doing the trial and error, errands of research, and investing in a...

root cause of dandruff

What Causes Dandruff? How To Prevent and Treat ...

As the winter sets in, our scalps become dry and itchy, making it worse when stepping out of the house in a dark-coloured outfit. These noticeable white flakes dropping down...

What Causes Dandruff? How To Prevent and Treat ...

As the winter sets in, our scalps become dry and itchy, making it worse when stepping out of the house in a dark-coloured outfit. These noticeable white flakes dropping down...

Benefits of Onion Juice for Hai

7 Incredible Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair

If you’re tired of investing heavily in hair care products and yet experiencing unusual hair fall or scalp issues, it may be time to dig in deeper into the causes....

7 Incredible Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair

If you’re tired of investing heavily in hair care products and yet experiencing unusual hair fall or scalp issues, it may be time to dig in deeper into the causes....

Winter with Follikesh Hair Serum

Get That Salon-Like Hair in Winter with Follike...

As winter sets in, Christmas and New Year are just a few weeks away. Nothing seems to be merrier than eagerly waiting for the holiday season. The chanting plans all...

Get That Salon-Like Hair in Winter with Follike...

As winter sets in, Christmas and New Year are just a few weeks away. Nothing seems to be merrier than eagerly waiting for the holiday season. The chanting plans all...